
We are living in the world that being harsh to one self is acceptable. I criticize myself too much. At first I was blaming everyone for my defection. Today I realize that I have being too harsh on myself. 

Bill gates once said "Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world...if you do so, you are insulting yourself"

I comparing my journey with other people my age. Where some of them earn better than me, some are married and have kids, and some have all figure out while I'm not. I make myself feel miserable everyday. I was ungrateful. I have not thank enough. 

So today, I will make that change. I'll stop from talking bad things about other. Be grateful that I even have a job while some doesn't. I'll exercise more, and eat less. Control my anger. Do not get mad on something that wasn't in my control. Pray a lot. Chasing my dream. Write a lot. Be grateful for just wake up. Be nice to my mother and myself. BE NICE TO ME MORE.


Wish me Luck. 


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