Old soul.

this year nothing really excited happen to me. 
Except my mother getting married on September (Jaw dropping)
My best friends getting married too in January and February 2021. 
Nothing excited happening to me yet. 
Still struggling losing weight. 
Dieting on an off. 
I was diagnose with sleep apnea a month ago. (but I'm getting better)
I also self-diagnose my self and found out I'm mild maladaptive daydreaming illness. I don't know...
Dream is always better than reality I guess. 
So I found recently that Cristopher Robin has maladaptive daydreaming when he was a kid. 
I guess he grow it out of him. While I'm not. 

By the way,
I have losing interest in everything these day. 
Love, work, life. 
I feel empty. 
I have lots of anger, hatred. 
To myself.
To everyone. 
With no apparent reason. 


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