Tips to enroll yourself in Master.
THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! Is not just me. It's everybody else.
Before you enroll yourself, think thoroughly.
Attend classes, exam is easy.
The hard part is THESIS.
I'm trying not to follow my mood while writing, but I'm not that inspired to write. these kind of obstacle make me want to quit. For example; my response rate is too low, my information is too small, my supervisor expectation is too high. this all lead to "PROCRASTINATION'.
Everyday I keep questioning why?! why I enroll myself? why my brain do not function well? why am I even exist? you know all sort of question.
I have no tips to give how to overcome this. but rational mind will help. I'm still alive and barely living because of my rationality. Think about where are you at now. think about how u made it till today.
I have give up everyday like "I should just quit studying" but what stop me is time and money I have spend to get this Master. I will survive this storm. No matter what. even if it take me forever, i mean 4 years. I will finish it. I have to.
So, basically before you get yourself into Master course read this and think again. the struggle is real. so real. classes and all are easy but thesis is mentally drain. Oh and there are few subject are mentally drain too but manageable. Trust me been there done that.
Good luck for you who trying to enroll yourself. may you have better luck than I did.
The end.