Help Me God.

I have been dealing with lots of things that I think was bad. Until, I have seen everyone else life. Some have it worst than I do. Felt like I was living under the rocks knowing everything going to be fine and for some other they will never be fine. But they live their life as they will be fine.

How can I be so ungrateful and not be thankful to God enough. How silly and stupid I am. How can I be so ungrateful to life that Allah have borrow me. He borrowed me my dad. So He took it back. I cry and even blamed destiny. He borrow me my mom and I wish to keep her longer.

Life isn't always rainbow and unicorn. I have to wake-up and be more mature so I can be reasonable, thoughtful and sympathize  more to others.

Every morning I wake up I pray and I went to work. So on the way to my working place, there an area where I can see people dress as if they are selling their body like what I have seen on TV. So I was wondering why they have to do what they have to do knowing probably that's maybe their only choice. I take my eyes away. Cause the longer I stay the longer I judge. I am also a sinner why I acted like I never made a mistake in my whole life. Maybe I am just an asshole. or maybe I'm a judgmental in certain way. Or maybe I was picturing life as rainbow and unicorn. I'm not sure Why I did what I did. I just wonder. How life so bad the other. and so good for another.

Some ustaz saying it just the way of Allah give us His test. I believe so and I know so. But why I still questioning. Am I drifted from His light and guidance already? or I was just confuse? It was too many question left unanswered. I should have read more. MAYBE.


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