Do I have OCD or I'm just being annoying?

I have been living by myself since 2020, like occasionally sometimes, and permenantly in early 2021, then I get married. 

So basically I've been taking care of my parent house by myself since. So I basically have certain way of organizing my kitchen, clothes and few other things. So when my parent come visit, or stay basically it's her house. So she kept messing with the system that I've created since for myself. 

When things doesn't goes my way, I get a little crazy in my head, and when I kept feel the way I felt I decided to just let the things be until my parent back to her hometown again. So my home will be in a mess according to my head. According to my husband head and my mom head it look totally fine or clean. But for me it's complete mess and it ruin my relationship sometimes. I've been kept my mouth shut, trying, but I'm human. I'm sorry mom I can be a little bit annoying.

So,the question is do I have OCD or it just in my head.

After my mom left, it will take me weeks to get me back into my system again. Or do I have ADHD. I felt like there were long list to do, and felt like I have to do everything all at once. 

I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed maladaptive daydreaming. Being an only child day dream is my favorite things to do. It is the world where I was the centre of attention and I get whatever I want. Though it's not effecting my daily live but it does ruins my head sometime. Acknowledging your  mental health problem is the first step of recovering. There were days, that I've talked with me for hours, is not always me, sometime I talked to my creation. But nowadays I can differentiate it very well. Baby steps. The bad things about this is that I wish whatever I dreamt off is the one that I've been living in and I get disappointed with myself most of the time, cause I was expecting me to be what I've should be. It a disease, I know. I hope I get better with this someday.

See my point, probably I've ADHD too. Ha ha. Oh well.. I guess I have mentally health problem. 


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